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Avatar seit: 2007-07-25
Age: 45
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"The Wicked Witch is back"

See My Albums (2)

Now just a little bit about myself, I like all kinds of music, I love to party with my very good friends, you know the ones that you get into trouble with, but are there to bail you out as well....I am Pagan/Wiccan I have been for some time now.

My Best friend in the whole world is gay but I love him to death. Tyler decided to move to a bigger city, I miss him so very much.

I am a bit of a tomboy, I do give my Mum credit she tried to raise a lady just to bad it didn't work on me. I am an office manager within the educational system....which is to funny, as I dislike school so much as a kid. Anything else you would like to know about me just ask.


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