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Avatar sejak: 2013-05-01
Age: 37
Amerika Serikat
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"I'm a straight up villain, yea no feeling"

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IMVU Homepage Layouts
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Happy Tree Friends IMVU Layouts
I get my cartoons imvu layouts from ProfileBrand.com.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan
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She is my mommy she loves me, protects me and nuzzles me. She is beautaful, kind, firice, strong and loving. I know she would do anything for me and I her. So to all who see this hurt my mommy and I will hit you with mr. Tibers and eat you up with bbq sauce.. Hehe little bear out
She is my funny sister i have only starting talking to her. However she is funny, sweet, kind, pretty and seems like a wonderful person to be around i so look forward to the future with her
My other sister. She is my creative loving, kind, pretty, and protector. She is strong and one who others should not anger, for only death will wait them like mommy and sissy she defends me and watches out for me
My cousion and bestie. She is a fellow gamer on lol. She is also sweet, fun, tough, and sometimes quite yet I know i can always talk to her and share things with her knowing she will keep them safe. Like all my family she to watches out for me and cares for me I hope to always have her in my life
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