Mod Ceiling Fan 555 credits
by Guest_removeufiproductitem Date Added: Saturday 17 December, 2011
IMVU Fails us all, give us your money, but we can not guarantee your safety and nor do we care, seems to be the message touted these days:
New ones found and flagged on Saturday 17th Dec 2011
trig dick by MR69VIP
MR69VIP uses a ADR76 pic as if to make it appear more normal
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
****** theme pose by meroonader
****** theme pose by meroonader
****** pose by NoBOdyLikEm
*** pose by NoBOdyLikEm
semi nude by xlNai
****** pose by NoBOdyLikEm
pants trig **** by LoVeMaaKeR
pants trig **** by LoVeMaaKeR
semi nude by xlNai
semi nude by xlNai
****** theme triggers by Mr187xxx
****** theme triggers by Mr187xxx
****** theme triggers by Mr187xxx
s.s.content by MejicanaLinda
hidden trig **** by a9111
mcg by Lulitass
mcg by RezinedBrainz
nude by vvrdh
trig **** by IR0GI
mcg by cocopebbles35
Previous days
semi nude by Rottzy
*** pose position by LUSClOUS
*** pose position DARKEVILTONCABOTA
mcg by TatiPerfect
mcg by xxDJAMAZExx
s.s.content triggers by SexiNoob
mcg by DivinePurity
mcg by DivinePurity
mcg by DivinePurity
mcg by DivinePurity
s.s.content by Fco35
s.s.content by 4BG_disabled_51906473
mcg by DivinePurity
mcg by JouetToyDesigns
****** theme by IIMII
male looks naked by WardensWorld
s.s.content by IFahoodyI
Following can be used as a ****** pose, needs removing on safety grounds
****** pose by vTokumatsUv
****** pose by IIxAngelxII
****** pose by SouthernStorm28
I'm just doing my job!
Any sympathy, slightly, but if it had been me, like to think, knowing what I know I'd have had the guts to have walked out on imvu long ago, if they did not listen and gone to the press and everyone else I could think of.
It's easy to conclude it's smiles, hi, and another day at the office oblivious to what might might be going on else where, for instance the guy, or gal then working in the department on the client is enthralled, not going to be thinking, feel sorry for Tracy trying to get rid of those 50 plus flags, that's just the genuine ones.
Not concerned with the latest safety measures for the client, fixing bugs that was caused last time they brought out a new version and so on.

Merry-go-round then if you like.
Given I'm not paid and do 12 to 15 hour likely be 17 plus hours today on here, searching the catalog, beggars belief then that paid staff go home and not give two hoots, assuming as I say they know, about the imvu.
From the filth on galleries, often porn and indecent child naked images, to the sex going on in public rooms, with the owner thinking it is legal to state it is 18+.
LOL, yeah right, duh.
MAKE IT AP, that's the right thing to do.
But given any one can enter and many on profiles in tagline say I'm really 14 not 18, means many lie and so a 13 year old joined without parents concent, cause parents are bad, attitute, did us no harm when growing up, is the subjected to MMM, because IMVU only has few chosen words in TOS to feel they have taken adequate responsibility.

If you buy a faulty product and dangerous on the high street, Woe-Be-Tide that company that does not take it back and alert others.

But IMVU seems adept at just, well, turning a deaf ear, not my problem Gov.
Guest_removeufiproductitem commented � Just Now � Delete

Tell IMVU anything to work with them and suddenly the opposite seems to happen, again coincidence or inside job.
some staff seem to be with us, not disabling us, but some see us as much an enemy as the creators that put the lives of teens at risk.

As time goes on, those kids get more and more brainwashed and imvu helps that process, called dumbing down, no love now, to them, mmm, s.e.x s.e.x s.e.x.

The worry then comes that like drugs, and drink, more you feed upon a thing, more you want.
Often been found that some one gone mad killing people, chopping them up, later turns out got violent vampire videos or something, oops.

And sadly it is already starting to happen:

A 16-year-old Kalispell youth pleaded guilty to felony charges of sexual intercourse without consent Thursday in Flathead District Court before Judge David Ortley.
According to the terms of his plea deal, Jacob Dalager may be sentenced with 20 years in prison, all of it suspended except the time from sentencing until he turns 18 years old.
If the judge chooses not to follow the recommendation of the plea deal, Dalager could face up to 100 years in prison due to the fact that the victim was less than 16 at the time of the offense and he was more than four years older than the victim. The victim in the case was 6 years old.
VICTIM was how old:
The victim in the case was 6 years old.
Still who cares eh, become natural in a few years thanks to net sites like this allowing the sexual content to go unattended.
I'm sure I can find stacks more examples in the US and across the world.
Gang Rape of 11-Year-Old Girl Sparks Racial Tensions ... - ABC News � US
Mar 10, 2011 � The alleged gang rape of an 11-year-old girl by at least 18 boys and young men has sparked shame and outrage in a tiny Texas town, but it ...
Teen, neighbour had sex with 13-year-old girl - Yahoo! News
Nov 11, 2011 � News: A 40-year-old man and his teen neighbour had sex with an underaged ... Full Story �Parents: Hacking made us think Milly was alive ..... the teen only raped the younger girl because the 40-year-old neighbor told him to. ...
Still no one really cares, we are all selfish now, self taught, look after number one, no one cares, UNTIL, we get that phone call, I'm sorry Mr or Mrs so and so, your daughter has been involved in a.....................
WE WAKE UP now, make a fuss on sites like this to later stop those kids becoming far far far worse.
Because one hit can lead to another and another and before you know it much much worse, we always want more and more and more.

xXAntillanoXx probably Middle Eastern again, so though messaged, they either do not understand, some times on purpose, or could not care less, so unlikely to remove them himself.
As staff are not enough and slow to act, means he least gets to use it for a short time.
Other concerns, either all rich, or I'm beginning to suspect, baring an inside job, that these guys obtaining their names illegally, can not see them forking out $20 a time and being disabled and no worries mate, buy another one.
So something is clearly going on.
There are simple measure could be brought in right now with little fuss and imvu refuses to listen, act, take on board and instead ignores and delights in the revenue the virtual sex trade I'll call it brings in.
However, virtual and online or not, this is a company that takes money, real people's money, so should be accountable therefore, making sure books are in order for the IRS and other such agencies.

We think more and okay I know only takes one person and not long to do it, but annoys me when they seem to think more of putting up the latest GET AP for whatever % off this weekend than sorting out the mess that is on the site, and in chat rooms.

But these ones need removing fast to make a better deterrent:
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx
s.s.content by xXAntillanoXx

Rating: 1 of 5 Flaming Jalapenos! [1 of 5 Flaming Jalapenos!]
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Mod Ceiling Fan